 | Recruitment FAQs |
| Q: | What Is Alpha Gamma Rho? | A: | Alpha Gamma Rho (a.k.a. AGR) is known as the National Agricultural Fraternity. It is a social and professional fraternity that promotes scholarship, leadership, brotherhood and the development of better men. Members of the fraternity are involved in many different organizations across campus. Graduates benefit from the close network of highly successful Alumni and the many insights and opportunities that they can provide. Alpha Gamma Rho is much more than an organization; it proves to be a strong brotherhood through the common bond of agriculture. | | Q: | What Makes AGR Unique? | A: | Alpha Gamma Rho isn't like other fraternities. In AGR you'll get the opportunity to experience both a social and a professional fraternity.
AGR does what you expect a social fraternity to do: socialize with other students on campus and the community. AGR is also like other social fraternities in that it has a strong, close-knit group of members.
But AGR is more than just one of those strictly social fraternities. It is also a professional fraternity in that all the members of AGR have related career interests. AGR is for young men pursuing any career related to agriculture, food, or fiber industries.
One more difference: at AGR there's no pledging. You can join as an equal member. AGR does a careful review of all potential members in advance, so there's no need for a "weeding out" process.
| | Q: | How Will AGR Get You Ready For The Real World? | A: | Because AGR is a professional fraternity, we are concerned with promoting your career development during your college years and after graduation. We offer:
• Regional career seminars for undergraduates
• Internships through alumni contacts.
• Job networking
• Alumni associations with informative ag programming
It's a tough world out there, but thousands of AGR members worldwide are there to help you succeed. From Secretaries of Agriculture, to upper management, to presidents of agricultural companies, to thousands of farmers and ranchers, AGR Alumni are a "who's who" in worldwide agriculture.
| | Q: | Will Being In AGR Hurt My College Career? | A: | AGR never loses sight of why you're in college in the first place...to graduate and get a job. And to graduate, you need to do well academically. This is where belonging to a fraternity that is both social and professional helps most. Because everyone in AGR is in the same career field, it's easy to have peer study groups or find someone who has taken the same classes. | | Q: | Isn't AGR Just For "Farm Boys"? | A: | You don't have to study production agriculture to join AGR. AGR is for any young man preparing for any ag or food related career, including food science, biotechnology, agri-marketing, environmental science, engineering and many others. AGR has strong ties with 4-H and FFA, but even if you have never been a member of these groups, you can be a member of AGR. | | Q: | How Will AGR Make Me A Leader? | A: | Leadership is an important skill you'll learn or develop in Alpha Gamma Rho. Our members recognize the need to develop leadership skills and take an active part in fraternity and university activities. Fraternity officer positions give you real leadership experience; you will use these skills to get involved in campus clubs, organizations or student government.
Our members are involved in organizations such as:
C.O.A.L.S. Council (College of Ag. & Life Sciences Student Council,
A.S.A.E. (American Society of Agricultural Engineers),
F.I.R.E. - (Society of Ag. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate),
A.L.S. (Agricultural Leadership Society),
Aggies First,
A.E.A.A (Ag. Economics/Agribusiness Association),
Wildlife and Fisheries Society,
Ducks Unlimited,
Saddle & Sirloin Club,
MANRRS â€" (Minorites in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences),
Dairy Science Club,
Range Club,
Texas A&M; Skeet Shooting Team,
IFC â€" (Interfraternity Council),
Texas A&M; Antique Tractor and Engine Club,
IFC Judicial Board,
CARPOOL - Caring Aggies R Protecting Over Our Lives,
KANM - Student Radio Station,
Agriculture and Natural Resource Policy Program | | Q: | How Does AGR Help Out The Community? | A: | AGR members realize they are students of their university and non-university communities. AGR tries to be a good neighbor by doing community service work and completing philanthropic projects which help the community. AGR is actively involved in the annual Feed the Hell Outta t.u. canned food drive held each fall the week before the big game with Texas. This event involves a competition between campus organizations to see who can collect the most canned goods. Our fraternity helps with collecting and counting the cans from each group, as well as loading the cans onto the delivery trucks. Additionally we have volunteered our services to a local church to help with garden work, we actively participate in the Adopt-a-Highway program, and volunteered to spend time with troubled youth at the Still Creek Boys Ranch. Philanthropy events are important to AGR because it gives us a chance to give back to our community and provides the chance to give back to people that may not be as fortunate we. | | Q: | Is There Any Fun In Joining AGR? | A: | If all of this sounds like a lot of serious work, don't worry. AGR knows how to have a lot of fun, too. Intramurals are a great way to show our AGR competitiveness in a variety of both team and individual sports. From softball and basketball, to flag football and 42 tournaments, intramurals are lots of fun, and they provide a chance for AGRs to have a great time together. Plus, AGR usually has a full calender of social events each term, including responsible parties, tailgates and sorority functions. These social events let you balance the professional and social aspects of the AGR fraternity experience. | | Q: | Can I Rush AGR Only During IFC Rush Week? | A: | Alpha Gamma Rho is an open rush fraternity. This means that we can initiate new Brothers at anytime of the year, not just during the IFC Official Rush Week. It is highly recommended that you come in during "Rush Week" so that you can create a bond with your fellow rush Brothers though. | | Q: | How Can I Get In Contact With AGR? | A: | If this kind of exciting, challenging college life is what you're looking for, send an e-mail, and AGR will be happy to send you more information. Also, check out the rest of our webpage. If this kind of exciting, challenging college life is what you're looking for, send an e-mail, and AGR will be happy to send you more information. Also, check out the rest of our webpage.
E-Mail: nobleruler@tamuagr.com
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Alpha Gamma Rho
Beta Nu Chapter
P.O. Box 7718
College Station, Texas 77844-7718
Phone: 1-888-924-7946